Your Family Matters

How much will a car accident cost you?

On Behalf of | Sep 6, 2017 | car accidents

If you have recently been involved in a car accident in Illinois, you have likely wondered how much the damage is going to cost you. While an attorney can help you fight to get the payment and compensation you deserve, it is wise to be aware of the most common costs you can incur and the unlikely places those damages can come from. 

According to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association, the most expensive accidents are those that result in the death of one of the vehicle occupants, but even non-fatal crashes can incur hefty financial charges. 

If the costs for losses in productivity and medical care sustained during accidents were divided between all drivers in the United States, the expenses incurred would be around $500 per person. This totals more than $99 billion each year. Studies show that the average bodily injury auto liability claim surpasses $15,000. Accidents that solely result in property damage are lower, just clearing $3,000.

While the number of people injured in car accidents in Illinois changes each year, the fact that these collisions are expensive is constant. Not only can you incur charges to fix your vehicle, but also to pay for medical treatment for any major or minor injuries. Missed work can also mean reduced wages and lost opportunities for advancement or client acquisition. All of these factors need to be considered when you are determining the damages you have suffered. This information is intended for your education and should not be taken as legal or medical advice.
